It’s time

Time to wake up to life.  Time for laughter, time for friends, time for peace, time for rest, time for adventure, time for healthy living, time to make it right, time for a decision…

There are two Greek words for time.  Chronos – clock time, chronological, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.  Kairos – time measured in moments, seasons of life.  Referring to the right moment, the opportune moment, the “right” time.
You feel it, you know it.  Something needs to change.  Could a new day be now?  It’s time.  Chronos – today.  Kairos – the right day.
Life keeps moving in chronos time. Fast. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Stop for a minute and ask yourself, “Am I where I thought I would be?  Am I where I want to be?  Do I love my life?”  Maybe it’s time to set your life in a new direction.
If you were flying on an airplane from San Francisco to New York and the plane got off course just 1 degree – you would miss your mark 92 feet for every mile flown.  Just 1 degree.  The longer you travel off course, the further you will be from where you want to be.
Is it TIME (chronos & kairos) to set your course in the right direction?
Let’s journey together and explore what setting a new course could look like for you… because it’s time to wake up to life.


I love my life

Can you honestly say, “I love my life!”?

My dad used to say to me growing up,
“do what you love to do and the money will follow.”  
I would picture that in my mind.  Walking forward with a focus on doing what I enjoy and the money would just follow from behind.  In this way – it’s not always about the money.  It was great advice.  I am living the life I only dreamed of while a great income is following me around.img_7613
After a pretty radical health transformation using Shaklee products I couldn’t help but share.  I certainly didn’t want to sell anything, so my hope was that others would want to prioritize their health and live life to the fullest too.  When I decided to try Shaklee as a part-time business, I was looking for an opportunity to stay home with my kids, make some extra money, help people with their health journey and do something I enjoy.  What I found was a lifestyle I love.  I own my life, my time, I am my own boss, there is no ceiling to the income I can make, the tax benefits are amazing, and I’ve been able to travel the world.  Who doesn’t love to travel when your company picks up the tab?  For everything!
Shaklee has been such a gift.  I didn’t know it when I got started, but I’m glad I never quit when it got hard.  It has been such a rewarding personal and professional growth journey.  I have been stretched and challenged in good ways.  My family is supportive and an integral part of my business.  Not only do they get mom home all the time, but they get to see their mom set big goals and achieve them, they see me fail and get back up again, they help me get organized, they present at meetings, and they are living healthier and stronger lives because of it.  Most importantly, they believe in me.
Having dreams and achieving them makes life worth living.   I have worked so hard and I finally reached Executive Coordinator in September, 2016.
BIG dreams, financial freedom and purpose.   Can you honestly say “I love my life!”?
Want to explore further?  Please dip in and let’s talk.