Michelle Lyon

Michelle Lyon

Mom, Health Advocate, Entrepreneur

My life is full with two teenagers, two yellow labs, volunteering with my church, working my Shaklee business and lots of PLAY!

Our Team

Our Team

Discovering the Shaklee lifestyle has led to building a team of active, vibrant, and dedicated professionals.

Shawna Linstedt

Shawna Linstedt

Sr. Coordinator, H.S. Teacher, Mother of 3

Shawna is a health advocate and a great cook. She started with Shaklee to find green cleaners and quality kids vitamins. She is building a business because she loves offering people healthy solutions that work.

Brittney Becker

Brittney Becker

Coordinator, Wife to Jeff, Mom

Britt loves large and is passionate about sharing health with others. She started with Shaklee because she was looking for a quality pre-natal vitamin when she was pregnant with her first. She is building a business to share her life changing health journey while bringing HOPE to others that their lives too, can be changed.

Amanda Benedict

Amanda Benedict

Sr. Coordinator, P.A., Mom to Graham

Amanda loves being a mom to Graham and building relationships with people as a Physicians Assistant. She started with Shaklee because of the integrity behind the company and the scientific research for each and every product. She is building a business so she can spend more time at home.

Caroline Lewis

Caroline Lewis

Director, Entrepreneur, Mother of 2 girls

Caroline values people above possessions and experiences above money. She is a life long entrepreneur who loves talking with others about long-term healthy lifestyles. She started her Shaklee business because she found herself always talking with people about natural health. She is building a business so she can pursue life long dreams of travel, family time, financial freedom, and helping others.

Mia Rainbolt

Mia Rainbolt

Director, CRU

Emily Henderson

Emily Henderson

Christine VanDiest

Christine VanDiest

Director, CrossFit Instructor, Mother of 4

Christine is a national CrossFit competitor and personal trainer. She started with Shaklee for the green cleaners which helped her get off her childhood asthma inhaler. She is building a Shaklee business because of the amazing products she gets to share with others and for time flexibility.

Katie Berger

Katie Berger

Director, Health Advocate, Mother of 4 boys

Katie is a health nut and always has been. She got started with Shaklee to find more energy and she fell in love with how the products worked. She is building a business that is completely built around her family, which comes first. She also enjoys being an advocate for others as they walk on their own health journey.

Patti & Fred Zaske

Patti & Fred Zaske

Director, Retired, my mom & step-dad

Patti & Fred are pursuing healthy lifestyles in their retirement and sharing that lifestyle with others. They are building a Shaklee business because sharing health, traveling, and enjoying their friends is a big priority.